Bonnie, a very kind dog from Romania, lost her tail, part of her front left leg, and her snout. She spent a long period wandering the streets. Until the appropriate folks showed up for the dog without a nose, she was unable to find a home that would offer her a fresh chance.
Although Bonnie’s particular circumstances are unknown, it is most probable that someone heartless caused the tremendous amount of harm.
She was saved and transported to the UK by the Beacon Animal Rescue Center in Canterbury, but because to her serious health, she was almost put to death.

Metro reported that Kate said:
We had three dogs, so at first it was difficult for me to persuade my husband, but when no one wanted Bonnie, I promised to care for her until we could find the ideal home.

No one wanting to adopt Bonnie gave Kate the motivation she needed to take on the task herself. The lady acknowledged that the dog’s appearance had initially scared her, but she had gradually become accustomed to it.

When Bonnie’s wound on her stump reopened and Kate and her husband Ross realized they were considering surgery on Bonnie for “pure aesthetic” reasons, they decided to have the stump removed instead of continuing their fundraising efforts for a prosthetic limb.