Cats and dogs, in general, are thought to be incompatible by nature. However, this isn’t always the case. We’re talking about an abandoned dog in front of a house in South Korea who is comforted, supported, and entertained by a tiny kitty.
The dog has been parked in front of apartment 103 in the residential neighborhood for nearly six months. The neighbors are astounded that the four-legged hairy remains in a spot near the entryway despite the chilly winter. The company of a cat, who follows you around at all hours of the day and night, is the most fantastic thing.

How do they manage to stay alive after being abandoned?
The cat runs when humans approach. It is generally evasive, unlike the dog who appears to be looking for someone specific. “They don’t leave here looking at the same thing every time, but the weird thing is that the dog tries to examine everyone’s face every time people pass by, unlike the cat who runs away,” explains a local.
The dog had a place to call home. In apartment number 103, he was raised by an old couple. They had to travel to the Senior Care Center, however, and they left their pet in an abandoned state because pets are not permitted on the premises.
Six months have passed since then, and the cat has been with him for the last two months. One of the locals was in charge of constructing a little house to shield both animals from the bitter winter wind, with the legend “temporary home for a stray dog suffering with cold” written on it.

However, it is notable that the animal likes to lie down in front of the door at all hours of the day and night, joined by its devoted feline companion. And the reason for this is his master’s impending arrival. “When they sleep together at night, they embrace to keep warm. Since they met on the street, they may believe they are in the same predicament. They are aware of their differences, yet they get along well and console one another.”

The neighbors have been courteous, leaving them food every time they pass, and this has allowed them to live. However, as the winter advances, their worry rises as they realize the animals require assistance. So a rescue team is dispatched to the scene, and after much effort, they are able to capture the animals and transport them to a new home.
His condition has been examined by the veterinarian. Both of them are in terrific health. Residents now have faith that they will be loved in a warm environment, that they will live well, and that they will receive a lot of affection from a new family.
Don’t miss the rest of the tale in the next video. Turn on the subtitles if you haven’t already.