The other evening, Javier Rosemberg and his two children were out for a walk near their home in the city of Villa Carlos Paz, Argentina, when a sound nearby turned their heads.
It was the urgent call of a barking dog. He was standing on the sidewalk across the street.
“The little black and white dog was asking for help from people passing by,” Rosemberg told The Dodo.
And it soon became clear why.

As Rosemberg and his kids moved in closer to investigate, they realized that the black and white dog was actually not alone. At his feet, peeking out from a sewer drain with desperate eyes, was another dog.
She was trapped, nearly out of view of passersby. It was her faithful canine friend who’d called attention to her predicament.
“The dog’s loyalty was what struck us most about the scene,” Rosemberg said. “Thanks to his barking, the trapped dog was discovered.”

After firefighters were called to assist, Rosemberg’s son, Teo, stepped in to do his part, as well.
“He was in charge of petting and calming the trapped dog’s friend,” Rosemberg said.
It was a team effort between Good Samaritans, first responders and a veterinarian who attended the scene — and thankfully, their efforts paid off.
The trapped dog was finally freed:
It’s unknown exactly where the dogs had come from, but seeing proof of their bond play out firsthand, one thing is clear: They belong with one another.
“It was a happy ending,” Rosemberg said. “Watching the two of them running and jumping together was very exciting. It was as if they were celebrating the moment together.”

The love and loyalty of the black and white dog to his trapped companion had proven contagious — prompting a response on the part of strangers to help. Rosemberg is proud to have seen that outpouring of kindness, including among his son.
“We are proud of Teo,” Rosemberg said. “Together with our daughter, they are both very much animal lovers and protectors. They always have been.”