This cat is the same as every other cat, full of curiosity, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting and unwary. No mistaking the alpha predator in training.
I named my own feline overlord after the most powerful cat in literature, Sheer Khan + Magnus ( which means The Tiger in Hindi and the Great in Latin). He’s a housecat almost 4 feet long and about 22 lbs. 11 years of companionship and counting.
Cats need a worthy and devoted material support primate to provide them with the necessities in life, especially protection from hostile short-sighted humans.

It’s fun to watch, how he was never taught by any adult tiger, and looks like he already knows basics of hunting and stalking… Nature is fascinating as hell. Words cannot express how much I love Big Cats, and especially Tigers! These beautiful creatures must be protected at all costs! Cats ALWAYS make me smile! Dash is beautiful.