Beth Walden of Florida noticed an emergency post on Facebook on September 1st regarding a 1-day-old cat. Someone needs to look after the newborn who was found alone on the street.
Beth answered by offering to assist. She and her daughter went to get the cat the next morning. The child was ravenous. They hurried to the local supermarket right away to get the special milk formula and other goods he need.
“His first meal was directly in the parking lot, shortly after we got a syringe,” Beth recounts.
Beth Walden of Florida noticed an emergency post on Facebook on September 1st regarding a 1-day-old cat. Someone needs to look after the newborn who was found alone on the street.
Beth answered by offering to assist. She and her daughter went to get the cat the next morning. The child was ravenous. They hurried to the local supermarket right away to get the special milk formula and other goods he need.
“His first meal was directly in the parking lot, shortly after we got a syringe,” Beth recounts.

They named him Little Short Pants, and from day one he showed himself to be a fighter. He contained the maximum amount of food, which is only possible with his tiny growth, showing remarkable energy and will to live.

Under Beth’s control, the meeting took place. Frenchy’s dog licked the kitten’s muzzle so lovingly and delicately as if she felt like a mother.