Dozens of cats and a dog lived in complete unsanitary conditions in the home of a person who accumulated animals until he found himself overwhelmed. Contacted by the police, the Action Protection Animale association took the majority of the felines into care to treat them and help them get a new start.

For weeks, neighbors had been complaining about the noise and odors emanating from an apartment in Asnières-sur-Seine , in Hauts-de-Seine. The police contacted several associations dedicated to the animal cause on this subject, but only 8 cats and a dog among the dozens of animals living there were able to be placed in reception structures.
On Tuesday September 26, the Action Protection Animale (APA) team went to the scene to rescue the 53 cats who were still there. Their evacuation lasted several hours. It was made difficult by the state of the accommodation in question, the floors of which were littered with droppings and rubbish.
The responders had difficulty breathing because of the unbearable odor there. The apartment was overpopulated with cats who had found themselves left to their own devices since the expulsion of their owner, who suffered from Noah’s syndrome .
“ We had already been called for support, but this person refused to open, and we could not force them to do so ,” explains Anne-Claire Chauvancy , president of Action Protection Animale , to ActuParis . Today we were able to get these cats back. »
Malnutrition, parasites, cat coryza…
Felines who, for the most part, are extremely thin, hungry, suffering from parasitic infestations and coryza in particular. Many of them are in intensive care. 2 unfortunately did not survive despite efforts made to save them.
The evacuated animals were distributed among different APA partner Ile-de-France shelters . These survivors will not be able to be put up for adoption for weeks, giving them time to receive the necessary treatment and regain their health.
However, their ordeal is well and truly over. They are in good hands and their future looks much more peaceful thanks to the police, Action Protection Animale and the other associations that took part in this rescue.