Now, there is a little bit of truth in the picture of the eleven kids. Six of them had been born to the same mother as twins. The remaining five, on the other hand, are just lucky infants who were born on a special day. But hold on a second! It claims that calls to the Guinness Book of World Records were made to recognize the incredible achievement, and they stated that “unofficial sources” are prepared to provide even more proof of the incredible delivery of 11 infants to the same mother.
Just so you know, at this point no official news agency has been able to confirm nor deny the information that a woman gave birth to 11 kids in just one pregnancy. So let’s take a step back and analyze the situation medically and logically. Is it possible or not for a woman to carry 11 fetuses in her womb, and to actually deliver them all alive?
Several births can occur naturally, such as when a woman ovulates more than one egg every month, in which case they can all be fertilized, or when she produces just one egg, but it splits immediately after fertilization, resulting in multiple ᴇᴍʙʀʏᴏs, according to medical publications. Multiple births are becoming increasingly common as a result of infertility therapies like In Vitro fertilization. This is the procedure which “implants” more than one fertile egg in a woman’s ᴡᴏᴍʙ, in hopes that at least one will be accepted by the body. Also, the use of fertility ᴅʀᴜɢs can lead to multiple egg ovulation, hence multiple babies.
Do you think 7 isn’t amazing enough? How about 8 babies at once?
In 1998 a set of octuplets was born in Houston, Texas. The first of the babies was delivered 15 weeks premature, while the remaining twins were kept inside the womb for two more weeks, and then delivered by a ceasarean section. Unfortunately, the tiniest of them died after just one week, but the remaining 7 are alive, well, and enjoying life.