Recuperating from an injury isn’t always smooth and easy, and neither are the injuries or scars they leave behind. A bad fall will either keep you at home for a week, or leave you unable to walk again. This dog can walk just fine, but a grizzly altercation with another dog left its mark on […]
Courageous Canine on the Frontlines: Dog’s Explosive Detection Skills Make a Lifesaving Impact in Ukraine
Our hearts continue to be with the people of Ukraine, who have been facing an ongoing military invasion by Russian forces. We’ve been moved and inspired by stories of resilience by the Ukrainian people. Many of these stories involve animals: people risking their lives to protect local pets and animals, and animals returning the favor […]
Determined Man Braves the Elements, Camps Outside Shelter for 5 Hours to Secure Beloved Puppy Adoption
Many of us have gotten in line early for something we really want, hoping to beat the crowds and be one of the first: nabbing concert tickets or a newly-released phone, for instance. But wouldn’t it be nice if people were that eager to adopt pets? Imagine a world where people line up outside before […]
John Travolta Steps Up to Adopt Heroic Rescue Dog Spotlighted in Oscars Tribute to Betty White
The Oscars were on Sunday, and while there were many memorable moments with some of Hollywood’s biggest stars, one surprise guest really made the night for animal lovers: a rescue dog named Mac-n-Cheese, who took the stage as part of a special tribute to the late Betty White. The sweet dog who was held by […]
The Parental Odyssey: Navigating Parenthood with a Newborn Possessing a Unique Challenge
Baby Waпg Jiaqiaп with the middle legIt һаррeпed iп Hebei proviпce, пortherп Chiпa. After giviпg birth to a girl пamed Waпg Jiaqiaп, iп a рапіс, her pareпts left her iп aп orphaпage. However, shortly after, the mother retυrпed to pick υp Waпg Jiaqiaп dυe to gυilt aпd remorse. Waпg Jiaqiaп’s mother ѕtгᴜɡɡɩed to compreheпd the […]