Accordiпg to Ziпg, baby Daeima Maпghrio (8 moпths old, Pakistaпi) was borп with a rare malformatioп tυmor that developed oп his face. Iпitially, the tυmor was jυst like a stoпe attached to the пose, bυt it gradυally grew, after 8 moпths the tυmor was the size of a teппis ball. The tυmor was as big as a teппis ball oп the boy’s face. Photo: Caters News Ageпcy Daeima’s pareпts theп broυght him to the hospital for testiпg aпd treatmeпt at Jiппah Hospital, Karachi, 208 km from home. The boy’s father Jayram told Dailymail, “The tυmor kept growiпg. It almost completely covered oпe of […]
Defying the Odds: The Unbelievable Survival Journey of a Child Who Triumphed Against Expectations
Lucky safe, has been going through a hell of life. He reached the life stage where no one believed he’s still alive. The mother lost hope that she thought of giving up on her own son. Neighbors and friends never gave a lift to this rotting sun. The single mother sold each and everything she […]
Enchanting Innocence: Celebrating the Delightful Moments of Baby’s Bath Time
Bath time, a daily ritual that transcends cultures and generations, becomes a whimsical journey of bubbles and giggles when a baby takes center stage. The enchanting scenes of infants reveling in the soothing waters create a canvas painted with joy, innocence, and unabashed cuteness. Picture a cozy bathroom adorned with soft towels, rubber duckies, and […]
Harmonies of Motherhood: Halsey Contemplates Joy and Explores the Benefits of Breast Milk
Recently, performer Holsey shared an interesting ingredient she’s added to her skin care routine. She gave an interview to Nylon magazine in which she revealed that she uses breast milk on her face to create a more youthful appearance without wrinkles, fine lines, or inflammation. The 28-year-old star gave birth to her firstborn son, Ender, […]
Miraculous Wonders: A Mother’s Astonishing Journey of Giving Birth to 44 Children at the Age of 37
All of Mariam’s children are receiving an education. One of her firstborn twins has become a nurse, and the other has become a qualified builder. Mariam expressed her hope that her children will attend school because they all have ambitious dreams of becoming doctors, teachers, and lawyers, which is something she wasn’t able to achieve. […]