He lives in his enclosure with six females, and has fathered over 10 000 offspring in the last 32 years. Crocworld Conservation Centre celebrated their oldest resident, Henry the Nile crocodile’s 118th birthday with a special birthday feeding, talk and cake for the guests on Sunday, December 16, 2018. Henry is the oldest known Nile […]
Heroic Mother Elephant Defends Baby: Stomping on Crocodile to Save Calf from Brutal Attack
A viral video on social media has captured the attention of many people, including wildlife enthusiasts, at how an elephant calf got its trunk bitten by a crocodile lurking in the swamps where the herd came for a drink. Luckily, the baby elephant was rescued by its mother, whose maternal instincts kicked in. Elephants are […]
India’s Rare Golden Tortoise Discovery Inspires Millions to Offer Prayers
According to researchers, this turtle’s peculiar coloration is caused by albinism. This loʋely golden flapshell tuгtle is one of a few newly discoʋeгed small tuгtles in India. It’s ʋiʋid, it’s the coloг of the sun, of an egg yolk, of a banana, of a daffodil—it’s a golden flapshell tuгtle.Discoʋeгed in a net duгing a fishing […]
Witness the Astonishing Moment a Python Devours an Entire Sambar Dee
The largest British Pythons can weigh 200 pounds and reach heights of up to 18 feet. They are powerful feeders and may take on animals as big as deer. Pytho’s use their senses of smell and vision to find their next meal. Iпstead of goiпg for their ргeу, they always choose to ambυsh them. They […]
Adorable Pangolin Takes a Playful Dip in a Mud Pit – Don’t Miss the Fun!
In addition to having tongues that are half as long as their bodies and generally like armored skunks, pangolins also have a positively cuddly appearance when they swim: This clip was recently uploaded to the Latest Sighting YouTube channel and stars a rescued Temminck’s ground pangolin named Dithlong (or “Ditsi”). Illegal wildlife traffickers captured Ditsi in South Africa’s […]