Exploring ɑn Abɑndoned Fish Pond: A Discovery of Golden Shells Filled with Diɑmonds ɑnd Peɑrls VIDEO: One sunny ɑfternoon, ɑ group of young ɑdventurers decided to explore ɑn ɑbɑndoned fish pond neɑr their villɑge. The pond hɑd been left unused for yeɑrs ɑnd hɑd become overgrown with weeds ɑnd vines. As they were exploring the […]
Love Valley: A Horse-Only Haven in the Car-Free Town
Welcome to Love Valley, North Carolina! This tiny town in the Brushy Mountains is unique for several reasons, but most obvious is the fact that there are no cars allowed. Residents travel by horseback! Far away from the hustle of city life, Love Valley offers a relaxed and leisurely atmosphere for residents and visitors alike. […]
Comedic Horse Act: This Horse ‘Plays Dead’ Whenever Someone Tries to Ride
Many people have called in sick after a weekend of partying or to escape the work environment for a day. Occasionally, people will even call in sick simply because they aren’t feeling well. However, a clever horse named Jingang really pulls the trump card- Jingang calls in dead. To his poor unsuspecting rider, everything seems […]
Cowboy’s Remarkable Act: A Gift of 11,000 Acres to Save Wild Mustangs
He struggled with the government and his neighbors, but American cowboy Dayton O. Hyde refused to give up. After lots of hard work and dedication, Hyde founded the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary in South Dakota, where over 500 wild Mustangs call home. Hyde was born on March 25, 1923. In addition to being passionate […]
Heroic Effort: Woman’s 3-Hour Struggle to Save Her Drowning Horse
What started as a lovely afternoon shoreline ride nearly ended in disaster for Nicole Graham. A potentially deadly coastal accident, at the lips of a rising tide, led to a three-hour horse rescue that was captured on video. Horse Falls into Hidden Mud Hazard While riding with her daughter along the coast near Geelong, just […]