This kitten is not just cute. He also emits a somewhat surprising meow that his owner never tires of. She filmed it and posted the video on TikTok, where it quickly went viral.

Open your ears wide by playing this video, relayed by Parade Pets after being posted on TikTok by “ @luxe_kittens ”. Uploaded on August 17, 2023, the publication has 1.2 million views to date on the social network.
We see and hear an adorable Maine Coon kitten whose meow does not resemble those uttered by most of its peers.
Maine Coon cats are known for the very large size they can reach as adults. The kitten in question here already shows good predispositions at this level, even if we cannot yet really realize it at its age, but it stands out in other ways than its size.
Like a good Maine Coon, he sports beautiful thick fur and ears with feathers like “lynx tips”. However, it is above all his voice that calls out. To attract the attention of his mistress, respond to her and communicate with her, the young feline with black fur and piercing eyes emits a meow that is more reminiscent of the squeaking of the bat .
“ My little Maine Coon may be broken, but I have no intention of giving him back ,” jokes his owner in the caption of the video, which sparked numerous comments from amused and touched Internet users.
“Your cat is actually a bat”
One of them, whose username is willowflame13 , also pointed out the resemblance of his voice to the cries of the pipistrelle. “ I think your cat is actually a bat ,” this person wrote.
Another, Highside of Jupiter , compared it to the song of a cicada, while a user calling themselves emm commented that the meow sounded like the sound duct tape makes when unrolling it.
In another video shared a few weeks later, the kitten’s owner revealed his name: Dracula . He is 3 months old and does not hesitate to attack (gently) his peers, as these images show: